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The Arcade Videogame Collectors Field and Price Guide (UPDATED)

Writer: CassieCassie

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

After three years and countless bits of fighting with my computer, I am happy to announce the first edition of the price guide is officially done. I want to personally thank anyone and everyone who has helped or supported the creation of this guide. My hope is the arcade community sees this as a tool out of many in their toolbox to price, catalogue, and enjoy the hobby. I was offered partnership with a few publishers with this guide but decided for this first edition to publish it on my own. This was for several reasons, but mostly so I had total ownership and anatomy over the guide (this is how I can make a version of it free on my website).

My hope with this guide is those in the collecting community see it as a valuable companion in their collecting endeavors. Several brave on-line souls have created limited guides on-line, but I felt a need was there for a more unified, complete, and semi-official one. Most collecting communities have some sort of printed guide that is fully (as possible) encompassing of their hobby. This guide may occasionally be incorrect, and collectors may disagree with values assigned in this guide and I hope the guide will become more accurate with each annual update.

Buying the physical book helps support the price guide efforts and encourages me to make future updates and editions. It also helps show the collecting world that arcade game collecting is a subject that warrants both space within the collecting communities and future academic study. I personally prefer a printed book compared to a digital version, thanks to my aging eyeballs. I’m also proud of the book and can say with all honesty I think it’s pretty slick. I have no idea how many of these things will sell, so that will be interesting to find-out moving forward.

I have set the prices fairly I feel, and the profit margins are as slim as I can make them. I wrote this book for many reasons but turning it into some sort of side hustle wasn’t one of them. I wanted to make the book as affordable as possible, but while writing the book I got several requests for a hardbound edition. The compromise I made was to offer two editions; one standard paperback edition printed in black and white, and a deluxe color hardbound version for those who desire it. Both editions have the same material inside. Printing a hardbound version of a book that is over 400 pages is expensive (obviously), and when we add color printing to such a large edition, well it gets even more so.

The hardbound version is exclusive to Amazon, and I will probably limit it to a certain number. Standard editions will hopefully be made available from a few sources soon. You can buy either version of the book outside of the USA in most countries. I will update this page as time goes on to connect with any links for resellers of the book.

Standard Edition

8 ½ x 11 Paperback

Printed in Glorious Black and White

450+ Pages

$29.99 US

I Fight for the Users Limited Edition

8 ¼ x 11 Hardback

Printed in Full Color

Printed on Premium Paper

Still 450+ Pages

$79.99 US

Both versions include several new and a few revised informative articles (that were previously published on my blog), the full price/collecting guide with over 2300 games listed, 100’s of photos, some fun jokes, and an appendix section. There are also at least two photos of my cat.

Some folks have already asked for signed copies (!) which I will do my best to accommodate. I might make an appearance or two at some arcade shows in the future offering books for sale, where I will always sign them if for some reason you want me to. However, it’s hard to commit to any show plans right at this moment. Thanks!

Price Guide FAQ

Q: Will the version on your website still be available?

A: Yes! The full version of the finished book will always be free on my website.

Q: Can I buy the book directly from you?

A: At this time, no I would prefer not to go this route. I am starting a new job that is intense so I just would do a crummy job sending them out.

Q: Why is the hardback version so expensive?

A: Color printing costs with a book of this size is just expensive I am afraid. The standard version is nice by itself, the hardback version is offered just since people asked.

Q: Will this be available in libraries?

A: The book has an ISBN number and is available through the marketplaces in with libraries and educational facilities buy books. Book buying for libraries tends to be a case-by-case bases depending on the library. If you want to see it in your library (which would be rad), request it and normally most librarians will buy books that are requested by their patrons.

Q: I found a mistake in the book!

A: Despite working with a copy editor and editing the book no less than four times, I have no doubt there are still a few mistakes. Feel free to send em to me.

Q: I hate the prices in this book!

A: Prices are tabulated from a variety of sources, but every attempt is made to ensure the values attached are actual game sales and not simply an asking price someone might desire. Sales are checked from on-line forums, on-line auction houses, in person auctions, classified ads, posted person to person sales, and additional sources. Any collectable is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it no matter the hobby. Prices are also tabulated using data from my personal experiences and dealings over the last 30 years. Prices can and will vary from area to area, and from situation to situation. Outlier prices will appear from time to time (which are either much higher or lower than average), and specific titles can sometimes skew wildly in average price. In these events an attempt to come up with a realistic spread of prices was made. Game titles that typically have wide price variances will be noted.

Q: Hey that is a picture of my game, but you didn’t thank me in the book! A: Sorry about that! I tried to give everyone credit for things, but if I screwed up let know and I will fix it in future editions!

Q: I have a great idea for the next edition! A: Great! Give me an email and we can talk about it!


All original material on these pages (including articles, reviews, videos, photos, and audio files) are © 2018-2023 VAG Productions All Rights Reserved
Please give credit to Vintage Arcade Gal and links back to this site if you are sharing any and all info from it, Thanks! - Cassie. 

Thanks for coming by ya all!

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