Stencils can be both an amazing challenge to redo or restore on a classic arcade game while at the same time, become a expertise in frustration or chaos. Many classic arcade games from 1972-1983 come from companies that utilized stenciled side art in their cabinets instead of more modern techniques. Stencils provide a unique presentation that is somewhat classic in its approach. Due to the unpredictable nature of stencil applications however, some of the unique factors revolving around their application can be hard to duplicate accurately for the average arcade game collector wanting to restore lost stencils or damaged ones.
In this video I explore my own personal approaches with stencils and share a few of the better tips I have run into for those brave enough to plunge into the deep end of the restoration pool regarding stencils. Hopefully this will be helpful to those wanting to go beyond the typical ink jet wrap I often see on vintage games that originally had stenciled paint on them.
Happy Hunting!